Dangbit Level 4 - ID 15 answers

Dangbit Level 4 - ID 15 Dangbit is the latest, top-rated word game from Romain Lebouc. In each level, you will see an image and will have to guess a phrase. Find the hidden clues to solve a level! With this game you can easily improve your vocabulary, concentration and spelling skills. This page has all the answers you need to solve Dangbit Level 4 - ID 15. We gathered together here all necessities – answers, solutions, walkthroughs and cheats for entire set of levels. Using our website you will be able to quickly solve and complete Dangbit game.

Level 4 - ID 15

(UK, derogatory) A middle-aged or elderly woman dressed in a style more suited to a young woman, especially if in a deliberate attempt to appear young.

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Dangbit Level 4
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